For the love of all sanity, STOP dieting & fasting
If you’re like our member’s here at Inner Strength you’ve tried one or more of the tons of overlyrestrictive diets out there.

Fad diets might get you a result, but the effects are very short term unless you make that diet a complete lifestyle

That’s why people end up coming to us after they’ve failed with multiple diets

Our big, crazy promise is that we’ll get you the results you want to see for your body AND teach you how to maintain those results for the rest of your life.

How in the world can I promise we’ll make your results last the rest of your life? What’s that factor?

A Calorie Deficit

You don’t actually have to restrict any type of food at all to achieve a calorie deficit

You can eat carbs, fats, meat, large portions, small portions…you can eat anything!

You just have to be educated about when it meets your daily goal to keep your intake lower than burned calories.

….and you can even do it without tracking every calorie that enters your mouth on a complicated calorie tracking app!

Our members love this approach because it gives them flexibility to live freely and without the pressure of following a “diet”
If they want to eat a treat on a certain day - they’ve been educated on how to adjust accordingly - so they enjoy when they really want to.

All it takes is some foresight of your schedule, environment and your roles as a provider (you do have to cook & feed your family after all!)

So you’ll be strong, energized and ready for summer fun when June hits